SCL Care Ltd
Our Advice
When you are choosing a care home it can be very difficult to access all of the varying information that you require without worrying that you've forgotten or overlooked an important issue.
We have therefore tried to give you some useful information to consider when Choosing a Care Home, with links to organisations which will give you an unbiased insight into the care home environment. We hope this information will highlight the priorities which you need to focus on in order to select the best home for your needs.
The field of care funding can be extremely complex and can represent something of a minefield to the unwary. We have also therefore included some information on Care Home Fees again with links to further information. We recommend that you take the time to talk with professional in order to ensure that your funding decisions are well informed.
If you have any unanswered questions, the friendly and experienced staff at our homes will gladly help, whether the queries are specific to their home or about care in general. Alternatively please do not hesitate to Contact Us.